Every year about 100 B.Sc. and M.Sc. students, as well as summer interns from all over the world, spend at least 3 months each working on projects at the two AIRLab sites. Also, at any given time about 15 PhD students are spending their 3-4 years of research at AIRLab.
Many people, sometimes with different backgrounds (e.g., engineers and designers), share the same spaces and resources, gaining from interaction and learning to work and live in open spaces with colleagues.
To access the AIRLab, first you must be a user. How to become an AIRLab user
Safety first! You must know, and comply with at all times, the AIRLab Safety Norms
At AIRLab you must follow the Leonardo Robotics Labs Rules
Use of tools and materials has its own rules.
Useful information
You may need something for your work (suggestions for HW and SW design, shops, …): a collection of useful resources
In case of EMERGENCY (fire, medical emergency, …) call
Politecnico di Milano, EMERGENCY hotline: (02 2399) 9399

AIRLab Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 7:30 to 20:30