This is a collection of miscellaneous resources that may be useful to you as an AIRLab user.
If you think you have something that deserves adding to this list, tell your advisor!
Writing and Reading
- Suggestions to write well can help to produce a good thesis, as well as good scientific publications in general. Here is the part of the 14 steps to write well found on the San Francisco Edit company site that Andrea Bonarini shares.
- Suggestions to write a good (and possibly accepted!) paper are on the Elsevier site.
- You can access all the papers for which Politecnico has bought a subscription even when you are at home if you enable the Politecnico proxy.
How to write your thesis
- AIRLab’s directions about preparing and writing your thesis [also, talk to your supervisor(s) about how you should use the templates linked below]
- AIRLab’s template for thesis presentations, in pdf and ppt formats.
- A collection of thesis-related information published by Polimi’s School of Industrial and Information Engineering…
- …and from that page:
- direct links to Polimi’s LaTeX and MS Word templates
- (for LaTeX) Overleaf templates for classical format, article format, executive summary
Software and programming
- Go to our ROS HOWTO page for advice and tutorials about ROS (Robot Operating System)
- How to get rid of Delay() in Arduino (Please, do this) Part1 Part2
- If you do not know Arduino or would like to understand how to use it at best, you may refer to The Adafruit lessons or directly to the less clear, but “official” Arduino pages.
- Here are 200+ videos explaining basics of using Arduino and useful tricks .
- Someone wrote some advice about writing code
- Info about Mathematica
- How to plot using gnuplot in your C/C++ project Gnuplot in cpp
- A few resources on Low Cost RTK GPS that might be useful
- Need to design a new robot and have no ideas bout how to select the basic elements? Have a look here and then talk with your advisor, before taking any decision.
- Tutorial on LED selection and use.
- Some practical hints about LiPo Batteries
- All about LiPo Batteries
- Need to learn how to solder? Here’s a handy comic explaining the basics in a very clear way.
- Need the US name for that bit of mechanics? Use this useful chart. By the way, at the same place you can find other useful stuff of the same type.
- All about motors
- Small tutorial on (motor choices, wheel diameter, etc) mechanics for mobile robot design
- Tutorial on designing and making Omni-wheeled Robots
- Tutorial on making 433MHz antennas which largely improve the performance of transmitters/receivers.
- Some useful addresses and links about shops, stores, factories, online catalogues. With some of them we have partnerships for discounts. You can find information here.
Version Control (GIT)
- A short guide to git
Producing videos and publishing them
- Usually, at the end of the project, people tend to produce a video and put it on the web. The best way to do this is to produce a video and then send it to Prof. Andrea Bonarini to have it published on the YouTube channel of the AIRLab.